Find freedom in being who you are.

I can help you design a business that lights you up instead of weighing you down.

You don’t have to settle.

There’s nothing worse than living someone else’s life. But if we’re gut-level honest with ourselves, that’s what most of wind up doing.

Instead of going after the thing that makes our breath catch and our heart expand in our chest, we fall for the “shoulds.”

  • I should do what I’m good at, whether I like it or not.
  • I should follow the path my parents set me on.
  • I should do the sensible thing.
  • I should climb the corporate ladder.
  • I should do whatever makes the most money.

Well, I’ve got good news for you, friend: Purpose and paycheck are not mutually exclusive.

I’ve been right where you are. (And gotten out.)

Imagine this: I was an integral part of a highly successful start-up with a ground-breaking program, light years ahead of its time. 

My award-winning recognition and significant level of responsibility disguised a level of burnout hiding below the surface of high performance.

Priorities shifted. The program came to a halt. By the time I walked away, I had played the game so well that my identity had become the bullet points of a job description

I was no longer willing to sell my soul for someone else’s shifting dreams.

I set out to do my own thing as a 3rd-generation entrepreneur, helping small business owners attract more clients with magnetic marketing strategy and messaging .

It didn’t take long before I realized the freedom and flexibility I yearned for was nowhere in sight. I was doing what I’d done before…working my tail off and feeling thoroughly unfulfilled. 

It was no coincidence that my clients said the same thing.

These incredible people wanted to have a legacy-level impact in the world, but they felt trapped in the job they were “supposed” to do. They had very little idea what they had to offer. Or they were afraid of what might happen if they took a chance on themselves. Often all three.

I can tell you from my personal experience and supporting my clients: When you decide to operate in alignment with how you are designed is when you attract the right people and get to do work that you love.

So, what do you say? Shall we put our heads together and see what you can do?

“Lisa is the kind of coach every entrepreneur should get to experience.”

-Amy S., Hudson & Co., LLC

Lisa is a stunningly authentic and heart-centered coach. She is so talented at calling forth people’s magic while backing it up with thoughtful strategy and grounded action.

I’ve loved my coaching sessions with Lisa, because of the ways she calls my higher self forward while lovingly shifting me toward clarity.

Lisa is the kind of coach every entrepreneur should get to experience. She’s savvy, and strategic, but most of all, she’s a visionary who gives others permission to dream bigger.


Do business your way

Mental Fitness Advantage

Leverage neuroscience to clear distractions and increase performance.

1:1 or group coaching

The Difference is You

Find out who you are, how to show up, and what to say when you do

1:1 advising or group coaching

Business by Human Design

Design your work and marketing around who you are, not what you do.

1:1 advising

Business Growth Launchpad

Jumpstart your success through foundational business strategy.

1:1 or group coaching

Marketing Strategy & Execution

Initiate, nurture, and convert magnetic relationships with customers.

done-for-you services

The Culture Hub

Create an engaging workplace where people feel respected and valued.

Diagnostics & Training