Align your purpose with your paycheck.

I help you build your business and life around what makes you, YOU.

Quiet the “shoulds” and “must-dos.”

Doing work that doesn’t line up with your “why” can be deeply unsettling. But so can starting over. The ground between this and that seems shaky, at best—especially if you’re not sure what that is.

I’m here to guide and mentor you toward the work you were created to do.

Blow the dust off your zone of genius.

Know who you are.

Making an impact is more about who you are than what you do. So let’s shed light on the real you.

That ends today. I’ll help reveal how you’re designed so you can build your life and business on purpose.

Blow the dust off your zone of genius.

Making an impact is more about who you are than what you do. So let’s shed light on the real you.


Do business your way.

Smash the status quo.

Too often, we human beings settle for a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven. At least, that’s where I found myself, nearly 20 years deep into a career that was sustaining, but not fulfilling.

If you’re nodding your head right now, please consider that the way things have always been done isn’t necessarily the best way for you. And I’d be so honored to open your eyes to new possibilities.

Fair warning, though: If you want predictable, minimum-standard results, I am not your person.

But if you want to discover the exquisite joy and that exists at the intersection of soul and business, then buckle up, buttercup. This is gonna be one helluva ride.

“Lisa helps people live their lives inside out.”

Mike Kim, WSJ best-selling author of “You Are the Brand”
Lisa brings dreams to life and wants to reality, and her skills in marketing, communication, and a plethora of other arenas will make her an invaluable part of your experience…”
Joe H.
Gwinnett Technical College
“I went from uncertainty to a clear direction with momentum. I show up confidently everywhere I go – in my visual brand, my website, sales calls and with clients. Working with Lisa has been a full transformation and boost to my business.
Doree O.
Transformational Life Coach
“I needed to narrow my focus but was unsure how to do it. Lisa provided the structure but allowed the flexibility for me to understand the value I offer to my clients and infuse it into my business. It’s … filled me with an energy that’s helped me attract more sales.
Bing O.
Executive Coach

Reconnect your head and your heart.

I’m seeking visionary entrepreneurs who want to break free from rules and blueprints and design a business and life that aligns with their true selves.

Let’s Talk

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

– e.e. cummings

Reconnect your head and your heart.

I’m seeking visionary entrepreneurs who want to break free from rules and blueprints and design a business and life that aligns with their true selves.

Let’s Talk